Please Carefully Read The Following Terms Of Use Before Using The Site. By Accessing And Using The Services Of This Site You Agree To Be Bound By The Terms Of Use. If You Do Not Agree To Be Bound By The Terms Of Use, Please Do Not Access Or Use The Site.
• RewardPort a Unit of TravelPort Holidays India (P) Ltd reserves the right to withdraw / suspend / cancel any specific offering without prior notice and without assigning any reason thereof.
• The validity period mentioned on printed vouchers, m- coupons ,e- vouchers ,card is final and binding; no voucher registration will be possible after lapse of that expiry date (mentioned on www.mycupofcoffee.in). No requests or complaints will be entertained in this regard under any circumstances.
• No new card will be issued in the event of original being stolen/lost by the receiver. Since delivery will be affected only to the address that has been registered, rightful claimants for gifts are considered and deemed to be those individuals who make the registration first against a specific unique number.
• Coffee can only be ordered after getting e or m vouchers by using the given online method. The mycupofcoffee cards cannot be used directly at the point of purchase or any of the outlets of the Coffee brand mentioned.
• All mycupofcoffee cards are deemed non-encashable; non-negotiable, non-transferable and once selected cannot be exchanged with any other gift. All products shown are for visual purposes only and specifications are subject to change, depending upon availability and change of model or specs by the manufacturer.
• The decision of the RewardPort management shall be final and binding. The Terms of Use and any action related hereto shall be governed by the laws of India without reference to the conflict of law's provisions thereof. We and You hereby agree on behalf of yourselves and any person claiming by or through You that the sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any litigation arising from or relating to the Terms of Use or the subject matter hereof shall be adjudicated at an appropriate court located in Mumbai in the State of Maharashtra, India.